Posted by: Lara Harrigan | February 1, 2012

B is for Bloodstone

Bloodstone, also known as Heliotrope, renews and revitalises physical, mental and emotional bodies. It will also restore friendships, love and relationships. It can help you overcome obstacles and calm your fears of a real or apparent enemy. It will eliminate blocks in the body and mind. It can dispel negative or evil energy and promote courage. It will ground excess energy, particularly when anger, irritability or impatience is present. It reduces emotional and mental stress and depression. It will lessen and calm confusion, fear and anxiety and help with emotional traumas and grief. It enhances intuition and creativity. This is a good stone to use to banish or exorcise. Bloodstone can mystically draw energy to you, attracting friends, prosperity and abundance. Any place or home in need of cleansing  and purifying will benefit from placing Bloodstone in a central position. It can also purify the mind, body and spirit. It provides courage, survival and strength. Anyone who is afraid of flying would be calmed by holding one of these stones throughout the plane ride. It brings wisdom and focus to aid in communication with those who have passed on. It grounds and centres the lower chakras and stimulates the movement of the Kundalini. It can help to clear away self-doubt and can be useful in decision making. It calms the mind in preparation for meditation. Bloodstone will smooth the way with legal issues and bring success in court.

Bloodstone is a marvellous healer, especially anything to do with blood; anaemia, blood pressure, diseases of the blood and bleeding. It strengthens and oxygenates the circulatory system and is a warm and calming stone to hold. It will help balance iron deficiencies. In addition, Bloodstone is beneficial for infections, liver, kidneys, intestines, spleen, bone marrow, bladder, cardiovascular system, cramps, lupus, leukamia, colds, endocrine system, acid reflux, flu, physical trauma and post-surgical issues. It may help shrink tumours. It can assist with the labour and delivery of newborn babies.

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